“From Savings to Snafus: 69 Cost-Cutting Decisions That Went Horribly Wrong!”

"From Savings to Snafus: 69 Cost-Cutting Decisions That Went Horribly Wrong!"

We could have just bought the produce at the farmers market, spent less and not have had to gone through the trouble of gardening.

No more gardening. This is something to do as a hobby because you like it not to save money.

SaraAB87 Report


See Also on Bored Panda

I was cutting dog treats in half with chicken shears. Went to cut raw chicken one day and realised I’d blunted them on the dog treats. Not a total fail as I can use a knife for the chicken and they still cut the treats well but still, not great.

Snappysnapsnapper Report

I bought an umbrella from the dollar tree and it broke within 30 seconds of me opening it due to wind

Neon_pup Report


See Also on Bored Panda

I once avoided charging my electric car during peak hours when it was low on miles. I ran out of charge going to pick up my daughter that resulted in a larger tow charge than having charged it during peak hours. Will never make that mistake again.

YogurtclosetOk134 Report

Buying a house that didn’t check all the boxes. I really should have stretched the budget a bit more. The timing would have been perfect (pre-covid).

Now I’m “stuck” in a house I hate with a fantastically low mortgage.

humanity_go_boom Report


See Also on Bored Panda

Buying second hand pants online. Second hand dresses online? Yes sure , because the size is more forgiving. Jeans? No way. They either fit or they don’t. I keep forgetting that I need to try pants before buying. I have waster two or three pants. I could have bought a new one with that wasted money

weird_cactus_mom Report

I will NEVER buy generic Nyquil. It’s a rancid, gag inducing nightmare flavor.

ntgco Report

A woman in glasses holding a clipboard, standing in front of a world map, highlighting frugality decisions. A dedicated tutor for my child. For the last two years, my daughter Fatima used to go to a private tuition center, run by a lady (at her home) in our neighborhood to have some help with her homework and test preparations. There she sat with about twenty other children and was taught/coached by that single respective tutor.

I’d admit it bugged me for several reasons like “she has to go to someone’s home for 2 hours daily” or “how helpful this tutoring actually is”. Things like that.

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