“From Savings to Snafus: 69 Cost-Cutting Decisions That Went Horribly Wrong!”

"From Savings to Snafus: 69 Cost-Cutting Decisions That Went Horribly Wrong!"

Quadell Report


My goal right now is to be financially free by 40 years old; saving 50% or more of my income is crucial for this. Happiness is not attained by buying things you don’t need, it is about having experiences with the people you love.

So what if I die earlier than I expect with a lot of money? I still would have lived a wonderful life without the hyper-consumer nonsense.

anon Report

I bought a container of generic Dijon mustard from Walmart.

It was the worst mustard I’ve ever had.

Delfishie Report

I live in tropic climate, SEA,

my first house is heavily shaded and almost no windows, the bedroom is located at the most inner part of the house, no sunlight, it needs lots of lighting and heatpump, fan to circulate the air and cool the house, and without heatpump cooling, it felt like sauna, but I can’t smell smoke, I can’t hear anything.

I decided to built my current house with good cross ventilation lots of sunlight, problem is I can smell smoke from trash burning from 100 meters away, there are lot more dust, I can also hear music playing from 100meters away.

the electricity consumption decrease from 1800 kwh to 1000kwh a month, but at what cost?

btw the location of both house is 40meter away. the size of the house is almost equal.

randomcourage Report


Bought an upright carpet cleaner. Bad idea-it has to be stored and there is never time to even vacuum, let alone wash the carpeting. Better to rent one..

gnumedia Report

Books. As Mark Twain said, “the man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.”
Travel. From low budget road trips across the U.S. to Bora Bora and snorkeling, or car racing in Saudi Arabia, it really expands your world perspective.
Good food.

Anna Sharudenko Report

The moment my boyfriend asked me if I was re-using Ziplock bags, that I had used to hold toiletries on flights, for storing baby carrots. Okay, I guess I thought it was a good idea at first! I mean, they’re perfectly clean!

anon Report


I got out of a cab at 4:00AM 1km from my house, to save 3-4 dollars.
I walked the rest of the way with a two inch gash on my leg, spewing out blood. Unsure as to wether I had severed an artery or anything else major.
Every step squelched as my right shoe was literally filled with blood. I received 15 stitches later that day.
At the time, I had close to $1000 dollars cash in my wallet and waited for the change from the cab driver.
I’m sure I spent in excess of $150 dollars that night on alcohol, food, friends and gambling.

It is important not to confuse being frugal, with being cheap.

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