“From Savings to Snafus: 69 Cost-Cutting Decisions That Went Horribly Wrong!”
When I read the end of Scrooge McDuck’s youth.
You know, when he spends Christmas all alone in his fancy mansion, crying.
Instead of spending an extra $50 bucks on a later flight out, I bought an earlier flight that went out at 7am. My boyfriend at the time had to take me to the airport on a Monday before work. We left his place around 5:30am. For some background information, we were long distance and I was in town visiting him, he wouldn’t have to be into the office until around 11am, even later if he chose, but he isn’t a morning person, so it was rough on him. Two weeks later he broke up with me; having to take me to the airport that morning was one of the reasons that influenced his decision.
Refusing to use the heaters when the temperature is -10° and end up having swollen digits due to chilblains for the rest of winter. Didn’t have to go to the doctor (there wasn’t much to do about it anyway), but soon figured out that my fellow housemates have been living in a ‘tropical’ environment in their rooms to the point where they roam around topless.
I’m in a share house, and we spilt the rent.
TLDR: Tried to save money on heating, end up with painful chilblains; and paying for housemates ‘tropical’ getaway.
*Edit, I still don’t use the heaters (I don’t know why, but I just refuse to).
I realize this somewhat goes against the spirit of this subreddit, but sometimes it’s important to remind ourselves that we should spend some of our money “guilt free” since we can’t take our savings to the grave.
My two contributions:
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