“From Savings to Snafus: 69 Cost-Cutting Decisions That Went Horribly Wrong!”
I had a college friend who became an investment banker. He was an early immigrant from India so he was extremely frugal throughout life. He was the rice+lentils kind of guy, camped in the airport overnight for the first AM flight out since the bus stopped running at 11pm, wore the same sh*tty shoes all the time – even though we later found out, he had been working since he was a kid and already had close to 6 figures in savings by the time he finished college.
He worked himself to death, but had amassed over 2 million in assets by his mid 30s. Unfortunately he was diagnosed with porphyria. He continued to be frugal and work until he couldnt so that his wife and 2 kids would live good lives. He died a ~3 years after diagnosis.
I don’t know the details, but I heard that his wife ended up remarrying her personal trainer not long after. I’m sure they are enjoying his hard earned money, basically none of which he enjoyed.
2) A family friend of mine is american born asian. His dad emigrated here and was the stereotypical frugal/cheap asian. He married an asian american born in the US. Unfortunately his frugality DID NOT translate to his wife, my friend, or his sister. In fact, they downright loathed him and his cheapness.
I am not sure why they hated him so much. He provided them with new clothes from the Gap, they always had enough to eat, he paid for the 3 of them to go on vacations 2x/year (he stayed to work,rarely joined them). He even bought my friend a new honda accord when he graduated high school. He paid for their college education. As far as I could tell, he wasn’t beating them or anything, yet my friend would always complain about how he didn’t have this and that.
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