“From Savings to Snafus: 69 Cost-Cutting Decisions That Went Horribly Wrong!”
I moved to a new place and didn’t have bowls, plates, and utensils. I had some friends who had extra and we just needed to meet up and I could pick them up. Our schedules don’t mesh and it takes a couple weeks before I can meet up with them. In the meantime I’m heating food in my pyrex measuring cup and using my measuring spoons as utensils.
Being able to eat out of a proper bowl and use a proper spoon was awesome. I should have just spent $20 and gone to Target to pick up some bowls, plates and utensils. I found out where the line crossed from being frugal to cheap was for me.
I’ve been saving 40-50% over the last couple of years, pretty happy with it, and I easily have enough money to do something special for my mother who is getting older (she’s always wanted to go to Italy) without really making much of a dent in my savings. So I’ve committed to traveling with her next year for a few weeks so she can do that (and paying for both of us), but I’m so used to being very careful with money that I’m feeling huge anxiety about the expenses constantly, even though I can actually afford it. I don’t know if it’s a hangover from growing up not wealthy and having to be careful or what, but I really need to learn to relax and enjoy some big things when they are worth it :/.
I had these moments watching my parents. Both my parents are immigrants from Latin America to the USA. They had to be frugal to survive, and I am frugal as a result of watching them save up and, in fairness, do a lot of clever and cool tricks to save money. But I also learned not to take things too far like they did at times.
When my parents moved from one house to another when I was in college, I came back home to help them move. I knew it was going to be bad, as they were semi-hoarders, but nothing could prepare me for how bad it was. My mother had a spare refrigerator she got for free somehow in the basement. I never opened the fridge much, but I did use the freezer to store fish that I would catch out fishing and give to my parents.
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