“From the Absurd to the Outrageous: The 60 Most Unforgettable ‘What Were They Thinking?’ Moments in the Workplace!”

"From the Absurd to the Outrageous: The 60 Most Unforgettable 'What Were They Thinking?' Moments in the Workplace!"

People at a work meeting around a table, displaying various expressions and gestures. My manager calling a fake team meeting to discuss convincing me to date the only other Black person in the office.

rickettsna , fauxels Report

As the leading authority on customer service and customer experience, an award-winning keynote speaker and best-selling author, Shep Hyken knows all about professionalism in the workplace.

“There is a big difference between looking professional and acting professional,” he tells Bored Panda during our interview. “Wearing a suit and tie or ‘formal business attire’ is just part of the package. While it’s good for a first impression, employees and customers won’t love you because you look professional. They love you and want to do business or work with you because you are professional. You treat others with respect, honor commitments, are honest, responsive, and do what you say you will do without blaming others.”

Resume Genius‘ career expert, Eva Chan agrees. “How you carry yourself matters far more than what you wear,” says Chan. “A sharp suit might give the impression of professionalism, but real professionalism runs deeper — it’s how you act and conduct yourself at work. The way you treat colleagues and communicate in a workplace setting all count more than a blazer and a carefully curated Zoom background. At its core, professionalism is just being a decent human at work: respecting people’s time, pulling your weight, and handling yourself with integrity.”


Had a supervisor twice my age at my first job (i was 16) throw metal equipment at me while TRAINING me for not moving “fast enough”. Also had an assistant manager (also almost twice my age) at a wireless store i worked at steal $4000 from the store (for dr*g money) in only MY deposits and tried to frame me. Cameras proved her wrong but…yeah. pretty unprofessional.

ericarhickman Report

Woman shouting at a colleague in an office, depicting unprofessional behavior at work. Being yelled at as a new employee for not being trained on something. Like homie YOU GUYS are the one training me.

e.m.p , Getty Images Report

We all have bad days, but the experts say when an employee consistently behaves unprofessionally, it’s cause for concern. Hyken says examples of unprofessional behavior (whether from leaders or employees) include a lack of accountability – blaming others for mistakes or sloppy work, disrespectful communication – the tone of voice you use when talking to others, not responding to messages, etc., gossiping or ‘behind-the-back’ conversation – talking negatively about team members and the company, crossing the line, and apathy – not showing up on time, missing deadlines, laziness.

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