“Frozen in Time: Scientists Unveil Deadly Prehistoric ‘Hell Ant’ Mid-Meal in Stunning Amber Discovery”

"Frozen in Time: Scientists Unveil Deadly Prehistoric 'Hell Ant' Mid-Meal in Stunning Amber Discovery"

Scientists suspected the “horn-like cephalic projections” commonly found in various species of extinct prehistoric ants was used as a clamping mechanism for feeding. But without hard evidence to back this suspected behavior, it was merely an educated guess. Now, the discovery of this hell ant stuck in amber while feeding has given researchers definitive proof as to how their ‘horns’ were used.

“Fossilized behavior is exceedingly rare, predation especially so,” Barden said. “As paleontologists, we speculate about the function of ancient adaptations using available evidence, but to see an extinct predator caught in the act of capturing its prey is invaluable.”

Hell Ant Scan

Barden et alUnlike modern ants, hell ant species had horn projectiles and lower mandibles that faced upward.

In addition to these strange horn features, early ants also possessed scythe-like mouthparts or mandibles which would only move in a vertical matter. Supported by evidence of the newly found hell ant specimen, Barden and his team concluded that both the lower mandible and horn features were integrated parts of the ant which allowed it to catch and hold its prey.

By comparison, modern ants’ mandibles face forward, allowing them to grip objects or prey by moving their mouthparts horizontally.

Besides giving researchers an unprecedented glimpse into the predatory behavior of prehistoric ants, the discovery of this particular species demonstrates the sheer diversity of the ant species. To date, scientists have identified over 12,500 different ant species and they think another 10,000 or more still have yet to be identified.

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