“Grandma Strikes Back: Unforgettable Revenge Leaves Bully in Tears!”

"Grandma Strikes Back: Unforgettable Revenge Leaves Bully in Tears!"

Sadly, bullying is a reality many kids face in their day-to-day lives

Image credits: RDNE Stock project (not the actual photo)

But this grandma’s story proves that we can all find our own way to fight it


Image credits: nd3000 (not the actual photo)

ADVERTISEMENTImage credits: RumBunBun

Such behavior can be caused by a lot of factors, but the important thing is that it was addressed

Without knowing Sam’s teammate’s situation, it’s impossible to know why he was acting this way, but even though every individual is unique, bullying is often caused by:

Peer factors

  • to attain or maintain social power or to elevate their status in their peer group.
  • to show their allegiance toward and fit in with their peer group.
  • to exclude others from their peer group, showing who is and is not part of the group.
  • to control the behavior of their peers.

Family factors

  • come from families where there is bullying, aggression, or violence at home.
  • may have parents and caregivers who do not provide emotional support or communication.
  • may have parents or caregivers who respond in an authoritarian or reactive way.
  • may come from families where the adults are overly lenient or where there is low parental involvement in their lives.

Emotional factors

  • may have been bullied in the past or are currently.
  • have feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem, so they bully to make themselves feel more powerful.
  • do not understand other’s emotions.
  • don’t know how to control their emotions, so they take their feelings out on other people.
  • may not have the skills to handle social situations in healthy, positive ways.

School factors

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