“Grandma Strikes Back: Unforgettable Revenge Leaves Bully in Tears!”

- may be in schools where conduct problems and bullying are not properly addressed.
- may experience being excluded, not accepted, or stigmatized at school.
Every youth involved in bullying—whether they’re a target, a bystander, or the perpetrator—can benefit from adult, school, and community support, and this grandma is really cool for taking a proactive approach.
“The simplest way to understand bullying suggests that being bullied causes children to grow up to become bullies themselves, and that suffering child abuse can create a predisposition toward abusing others,” said Loren Soeiro, Ph.D., ABPP, a psychologist with a private practice in New York City.
According to research, bystanders can be the key to stopping it, either by intervening directly, supporting the victim, or reporting the incident. Those who intervene can help establish a culture where bullying is seen as unacceptable, creating a community-wide expectation of empathy and accountability.
So here’s to Grandma for being a positive example!
Image credits: Mikhail Nilov (not the actual photo)
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