“Grandma’s Fast Food Obsession Sparks Family Feud: Will She Face Eviction Over Her Grandkids’ Cravings?”

"Grandma's Fast Food Obsession Sparks Family Feud: Will She Face Eviction Over Her Grandkids' Cravings?"

Eating disorders are often develop during childhood


The mom in this story is unfortunately pretty typical. Bad eating habits can lead to arterial clogging as quickly as the age of thirty, which will, in the long run, set the foundations for future heart disease. The fact that this mom has already had multiple heart attacks is pretty solid evidence of this issue. It’s not a secret that she has a very unhealthy relationship with food, but it’s not like her being kicked out on the street will fix it.

So from that perspective, the parent in this story is perhaps justified in being very anti junk food. However, it’s worth noting that being obsessive about food, including being too obsessive over healthy food, brings its own risks. As some of the commenters note, giving kids a “complex” about what they should and shouldn’t eat at a young age is often what lays the groundwork for future eating disorders.

Binge eating is one side of the spectrum, but being too cautious about calories also can create issues. Body image disturbance and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) can both be caused by a person being too obsessed with “eating healthy.” Since many eating habits are established during childhood, something this parent went through as well, they have to be careful to approach this question in moderation.


Ultimately, evicting the mom is a pretty aggressive threat to make, particularly when it’s being presented as some sort of method to “protect” the kids. It seems unlikely that the mom will suddenly develop better habits, but, equally, having children see their grandmother kicked out over what she eats is potentially traumatic as well.

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