“Greed or Madness? Husband Sentenced to Death for Daring Sea Murder Plot to Claim $1.65 Million Insurance”

"Greed or Madness? Husband Sentenced to Death for Daring Sea Murder Plot to Claim $1.65 Million Insurance"

Li has since been sentenced for intentional homicide by the Liaoning Higher People’s Court.

A man in China has been sentenced to death in China after pushing his wife overboard in an attempt to use her insurance money on prostitutes

Image credits: Tom Donders

Li enacted the final step of his plan on May 5, 2021, throwing his wife overboard during a ferry trip from Dalian in northeastern China to Yantai. He carefully calculated the site from which to push the woman onto the sea, as it conveniently evaded the vessel’s 200 surveillance cameras.


Image credits: news.qq

Despite Li’s claims of her death being accidental, autopsy records showed bruises that pointed toward the woman struggling before the fall. The speed with which Li hurried to claim his wife’s death certificate also raised the police’s suspicion, with the man saying he needed the process to be sped up due to “local customs that required cremation.”

Image credits: news.qq

Dalian police then investigated Li’s record, which is when they uncovered mounting debts and his frequent use of prostitutes, with the man going as far as to solicit the services of one less than two weeks after his wife’s assassination.

Authorities lured the man with the promise of his wife’s death certificate, which is when they apprehended him.

People placed on death row have the chance to have their sentence reduced to life in prison after showing good conduct for two years


Image credits: news.qq

Local media interviewed the restaurant’s workers, and the couple’s neighbors and the marriage was apparently a mere formality to those around them.

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