“Haunting Claims: Child’s Titanic Drawings Spark Bizarre Memory of Past Life”

As kids, we all had that one obsession, right? You know, the type that had us glued to books, doodling away on posters, and sharing every little trivia nugget with anyone willing to listen (and even those who weren’t). I mean, sure—some of us were taking the scholarly route and diving into the fascinating worlds of Henry VIII or Greek mythology, but then there’s this one child whose passion was the Titanic. Oh, but not just any fascination—this kid’s infatuation reached epic levels that might just raise a few eyebrows. Meet Jamey, a Wisconsin college student who not only loves to talk about the ill-fated ship but has gone as far as claiming he ‘died’ on it! His journey started innocently enough but took a wild turn, leading to some serious claims about past lives, night terrors, and an impressive collection of Titanic artwork. Dive into this bizarre and captivating tale that might just make you rethink your childhood obsessions! LEARN MORE

We all had that one topic as a kid that we just absolutely latched on, learning all the facts, making multiple posters on and just reeling off information about to any adult that would listen.

Well, most of us did anyway.

And while you might have been hooked on Henry VIII or Greek mythology, this child went for the sinking of the Titanic. Except his fascination was taken to a whole other level.

It’s led to people pointing out a key detail after he drew images of the ship and claimed he ‘died on there’.

A Wisconsin college student, Jamey was apparently ‘always very happy and joyful’ as a kid but became terrified of their swimming pool at home.

His obsession began at five (YouTube/LMN)

His obsession began at five (YouTube/LMN)

His mum opened up about his supposed reincarnation during an episode of LMN’s Ghost Inside My Child, claiming he was the Titanic’s architect Thomas Andrews in a past life.

It’s said he started having night ‘terrors’ and, after watching the second half of the 1997 film, started drawing pictures of the Titanic.

“Within the first two weeks, he had probably painted 50 pictures,” his mum claimed. “He knew the ship by heart. You can’t learn that by watching the movie. The movie was actually more about the love story.”

Apparently, Jamey was ‘completely distraught’ and felt as though it was ‘his fault’ that the boiler room workers were the first to die.

“He would even cry about it,” his mum added.

Having created a pile of ‘creepy’ and detailed pictures of the ship, the grown up, 19-year-old Jamey said: “I would like to think that I was probably Thomas Andrews, just because of the personality traits and what he did is what I would’ve done.

“He gave himself up to let others get off the ship. It was a horrible tragedy in history and I’m just very at peace with it knowing I died on the Titanic.”

Andrews, who was onboard the ship during its maiden voyage to look out for any issues with his design, alerted the captain to the damage from the iceberg, convinced people to get into lifeboats, and according to a telegram from the ship, was last seen ‘throwing deck chairs, other objects, to people in water’ before he died in the disaster.

One of his drawings which apparently helps prove the case (YouTube/LMN)

One of his drawings which apparently helps prove the case (YouTube/LMN)

But online, people were quick to point out: “You can 100% figure what the Titanic looked like inside by watching the movie… I do believe people remember their past life. But sometimes watching something so traumatic at a young age can really make an impression on you.”

Others echoed that the film ‘is rated 12 for a reason’ as they said he ‘sounds like a normal Titanic kid’, sharing their own similar experiences of the fascination.

And one bluntly added: “I’d have believed this more if he started talking about Titanic BEFORE he watched the second half of the movie.”

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