“Heartbreak and Betrayal: Husband’s Shocking Reaction to Wife’s Steamy On-Stage Kiss Sparks Divorce War!”
The announcement sparked a fierce debate on social media, with one side defending the husband’s decision and the other accusing him of being “insecure”
Image credits: Prince Williams/Getty Images
Cruz also lamented the “social pressure” the drama going public caused her husband. Soon after she announced his intention to divorce her, hordes of her fans started harassing him, shaming him for his decision.
Image credits: RNacional_News
“The world is full of insecure men,” one post on X read. “Typical male chauvinist,” another said.
A back-and-forth ensued on social media, with one side stating that the husband was “overreacting” and the other supporting his decision, stating that Cruz’s actions broke his trust and pointed towards deeper issues in the relationship.
Image credits: dayshaofficial
Many of the husband’s defenders also explained how the viral nature of the clip meant that her entire family would be affected, including her children, who could be bullied at school for the video.
Image credits: dayshaofficial
“That was a public showcase of disrespect,” one user wrote. “A woman who truly loves her husband would never do something like this.”
“No matter what happens, you will always be the love of my life,” Cruz wrote in a follow-up video. “Even if we’re not together anymore!”
“Embarrassing and disrespectful.” Netizens supported the husband’s decision to ask for a divorce, feeling that Cruz’ actions went over the line
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