“Heartbreak and Blame: Dad’s Shocking Decision as Newborn Fights for Life Against Pneumonia”

"Heartbreak and Blame: Dad's Shocking Decision as Newborn Fights for Life Against Pneumonia"

Seek help if they’re drinking less than half the amount of milk they normally do, or have a fever higher than 104° F (40° C) and they’re younger than 12 weeks old. Experts warn that in this case, you should not give your baby any fever medicine before a doctor has seen them.

Many moms have a natural instinct and the Seattle Children’s Hospital says you should listen to it. If you think your child needs to be seen, and the problem is urgent, then trust your gut.

When it comes to pneumonia, it can be mild in babies, but it can also progress quickly and become very serious, warns the Baby Center site. Pneumonia is a general term for an infection of the lungs, which can be caused by various types of bacteria and viruses.

According to Baby Center, pneumonia is a leading cause of hospitalization in babies. “About half of children younger than 5 require hospitalization when they have pneumonia,” reads the site. “But your baby can also be treated for pneumonia as an outpatient.”

While you can’t always prevent your child from getting sick, you can lower their risk of contracting pneumonia. “Protect your newborn from others who may be infected. Make sure everyone who comes in contact with your newborn is healthy. Have visitors wash their hands before touching your newborn, and ask adult family members to make sure their vaccinations are up to date – particularly their flu, COVID, and pertussis vaccines.”


And if the COVID pandemic taught us anything, it was the importance of washing hands to prevent the spread of germs. But for further protection, wash more than just your own hands, suggests the Baby Center site. Wash your baby’s hands often too. “Wash all high-contact places – like toys, doorknobs, and the refrigerator handle – regularly. Keep pacifiers and toys clean, and avoid letting other children share cups or utensils with your baby.”

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