“Heartbreak and Drama: Mom’s Reaction Revealed as One Twin Gets a Party Invite While the Other is Left Out!”

"Heartbreak and Drama: Mom's Reaction Revealed as One Twin Gets a Party Invite While the Other is Left Out!"

Bored Panda has reached out to Kristen via email, and we’ll update the article as soon as we hear back from her.

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Twin parents deal with many challenges that others might not even be aware of. One major issue is finding a balance between individuality and inclusivity

Image credits: Tim Bish/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Mom Kristen, who has twins, sparked a heated discussion after opening up about how only one of her girls got an invite to a classmate’s birthday party


Image credits: thefoxsaystwins

“I knew this day was coming, but I was so not prepared for it. It’s been bugging me the entire drive to work. Last night we received an invitation for one of my two twin girls to go to a birthday party. One of the two of them. And if you’re new, I have almost five-year-old twins, they are in TK and they’re in the same class, and the invite came and it was only for one of them.”

Image credits: thefoxsaystwins

“I’ve been racking my brain on what to do. I knew that this was gonna happen eventually. I just didn’t think that it was gonna happen, you know, at this age. Feel like it’s an all-or-nothing situation, so either both are going to the party or none are going to the party.”

Image credits: thefoxsaystwins


“What I’ve got is that I’m going to message the mom, who I don’t know, and just say, ‘Hi, um, thanks so much for the invite. I wanted to see if it was for, um, one or both of the girls to come, um, since they’re in the same class. Either answer is fine, um, but just let me know.’ And if the answer is one of them, uh, the answer is gonna be an RSVP of no from us because I literally cannot think about the hurt that that will cause in the girl that was not invited.”

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