“Heartbreak and Drama: Mom’s Reaction Revealed as One Twin Gets a Party Invite While the Other is Left Out!”
Mom Kristen made a big splash on the internet with her twin birthday invite-related video, as well as all of her follow-up clips. At the time of writing, her initial video had garnered 753k views, 23.1k likes, as well as over 3k comments.
Her position was straightforward: she wanted both of her girls to be invited to the party. For her, it was an all-or-nothing scenario so that nobody would feel left out. However, while some internet users were on her side (mostly on Instagram), not every parent was on the same page as Kristen. Some of them think that it’s healthy for twins to have lives of their own, instead of doing absolutely everything together.
The content creator later reached out to her twins’ classmate’s mom about the invite, who revealed that the entire situation was a big mix-up.
“I’ve been active on TikTok for five years and I’ve had some other things that are controversial, but this did not feel like something that was going to be that. I was incredibly surprised by the amount of negative feedback in response to the situation,” Kristen said to People about the events in November.
“They had experiences where their kids were identical and a friend didn’t understand they were playing with two separate kids. I did think about it, because my girls are super identical,” she said.
According to the mom, she got “massive hate” for broaching the topic on TikTok. Some internet users accused her of being entitled. “They told me that my twins are individuals and they’re going to have their own friends. And look, I totally agree. There will be a time and place where only one gets invited to things. There’s gonna be many times in my life where there’s one invited and one is not, but this is for a 5th birthday party. These kids are so young, and they’re in the same class and they’re the same gender.”