“Heartbreak and Drama: Mom’s Reaction Revealed as One Twin Gets a Party Invite While the Other is Left Out!”
Some TikTokers went way overboard with how they reacted, and it’s a reminder not to be so quick to judge others, especially on the internet. “People were like, ‘How dare you think about reaching out to the mom to confirm?’ And I think that was the most surprising thing, that a lot of people had negative feedback around my feeling that our RSVP was either going to be for both or none. That stemmed from me asking them if they wanted to go, because sometimes kids don’t want to go to these things which is all right too,” Kristen explained to People.
Good communication is always the right approach. As it turns out, there was a big mix-up with the invite
Image credits: Kate Macate/Unsplash (not the actual photo)
From the mom’s perspective, she did nothing wrong to reach out to the other parent. “I made it very clear when I messaged the mom that I was embarrassed to even be sending the message. Either answer was totally okay and I truly mean that. It’s just that right now, I didn’t feel like I was in a place to pick up the pieces for the one who wasn’t invited because I don’t think there’s anything I could have done with her to make up for missing a birthday party with her friends that her sister was included in at this age.”
It’s a good thing that she went through with her plan and opted for open and honest communication. The issue? A glitch with Evite. “Evite doesn’t let you include the same email address twice. So the mom uploaded the class roster and since both my daughters have my contact information identical, it only went out to one. Once I shared what really happened, the comments were more positive, but some people were like, ‘You gave her no choice. You forced her hand.’ I don’t agree with that, but I know I followed my gut,” she said.