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“I face everything that God brings into my life and I credit my family for my strength and support by raising me as a ‘normal’ child and not one to be seen as different to others,” she said.
Image credits: Bea Booysen
Her hope was to highlight “other special needs individuals and show that everyone is different and unique in their own way and to give strength” in any way she could.
According to the Daily Mail, Beandri only weighed 12kg. Despite this setback, she still attended school and had big dreams of settling down and having kids at 25 years old — before hopefully landing a job as a teacher.
Beandri was determined to spread positivity, despite her limiting disease
Image credits: Bea Booysen
The odds of having a child with progeria are 1 in 4 million, as per the Cleveland Clinic. This means only 400 young adults and children in the world currently suffer from the disease.
Symptoms start to show within a toddler’s first two years of life which include—but are not limited to—wrinkled skin, growth failure, balding, and loss of body fat.
Image credits: Bea Booysen
ADVERTISEMENTThe average life expectancy hovers at around 14-15 years old. Some may die younger while others can live to see their second decade of life.
While there is currently no cure for progeria, researchers are actively studying various drugs in order to treat this condition.