“Hidden Horrors and Unbelievable Treasures: What Lies Behind Your Walls?”

"Hidden Horrors and Unbelievable Treasures: What Lies Behind Your Walls?"

The secret room actually has a serious mold problem. The owners found this out because within the corridor was a note from the previous homeowner. It indicated that he and his family moved out due to the mold issue. In the end, the new owners also had to move, but they at least had a note proving their case.


Hidden Vintage Wallpaper



A vintage wallpaper is uncovered beneath a wall.


One Reddit user was pulling back wallpaper in their old farmhouse when they uncovered this! After three layers of other wallpaper, this vintage edition came through. The design features two space crafts flying in front of planet Earth!


Back before the internet, people didn’t have such easy access to images of space. Artwork like this that depicts outer space would have been quite the sight, especially one that covers an entire wall. Still, future homeowners continued to layer over it, unaware that one day the vintage wallpaper would be a treasure in its own right.


Artwork Underneath The Wallpaper



Vintage art is seen underneath a wall.


One Reddit user was helping a friend redecorate their home when they discovered this beneath the wallpaper. The artwork depicts two women on top of what looks to be a checkerboard. The background features sweeping hills and there’s also a well.


Even more impressive is that the painting has a border that makes it look as though the wall opens up to the scene of the women. We would guess that an artist used to own the home and have to wonder how long the piece was buried beneath wallpaper.

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