“Hidden Secrets of an Ancient Roman Villa Emerge from the Depths: What Lies Beneath the Water?”

"Hidden Secrets of an Ancient Roman Villa Emerge from the Depths: What Lies Beneath the Water?"

The Opulent Roman Residence In Lake Fusaro

In a Facebook post, Mayor Josi Gerardo Della Ragione of Bacoli wrote, “They were underwater! Walls and rooms from the Roman era have been discovered in Lake Fusaro. Perhaps they belonged to a lavish villa.”

Opus Reticulatum

Public DomainAn example of opus reticulatum brickwork in Pompeii.

The walls were built in opus reticulatum, a form of brickwork used in early Roman architecture. The style can be seen at structures like Hadrian’s Villa and Herod’s winter palace in Jericho. Aerial photography also indicates the villa in Lake Fusaro had thermal baths, suggesting it was a residence of elite Roman citizens.

Experts from the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape of Naples are expected to arrive at the site to conduct a full examination of the villa, hopefully shedding light on more architectural and cultural traditions of ancient Rome.

Ducks Near Villa Walls

Josi Gerardo Della Ragione/FacebookDucks swim near one of the villa’s walls.

While the area’s unique geology is responsible for hiding these discoveries, it has also made their rediscovery possible. This region, which is home to Pompeii and Herculaneum — two cities destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 C.E. — has shown time and time again the both destructive and restorative powers of our planet’s geological processes.

As the mayor concluded in his post, “Bacoli continues to be a treasure chest of wonders, promoting cultural tourist circuits unique in the world.”

After reading about the ancient sunken villa that just emerged from Lake Fusaro, dive into 13 of the most haunting sunken cities from around the world. Then, read about Lake Lanier, the Georgia reservoir that has claimed hundreds of lives.

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