“Hidden Treasures: Amateur Metal Detecting Duo Uncovers 557 Medieval Coins That Could Rewrite History!”

"Hidden Treasures: Amateur Metal Detecting Duo Uncovers 557 Medieval Coins That Could Rewrite History!"

“After finding the hoard, and then clearing the area, we had to extend the search twice more because we were finding so much,” Mateusz said.

His brother, Tobiasz, who earns a living as a baker when he isn’t moonlighting as a detectorist, added: “I can’t even imagine how we got so lucky. It was the best weekend of my life. I’ll remember it my whole life.”

After the group had found more than three silver coins in the area they were working in, under the rules of the organized rally, the four men declared their findings to the organizers and jointly claimed the rare hoard.

News of the incredible find soon spread to the other rally participants, which the group said turned things “absolutely hectic”. The site where the coins were found was eventually sealed off so that the four detectorists could continue their work undisturbed.

Finds Liaison Officer and archaeologist Anni Byard was called to the site to confirm the authenticity of the coins.

“I haven’t done the final count yet but c.500 silver and 12 nobles. Quite a hoard. Being scattered made it difficult to map and record but we got there in the end!” Byard tweeted about the discovery:

The collection of silver coins in the haul are of a rare mintage, originating from the regions of Lincoln, Birmingham, Ireland, and Scotland.

The entire hoard is estimated to have originated from the time of King Edward I, who was known as the Hammer of the Scots and ruled the English territories from 1272 to 1307, and then his son King Edward II, who would take his father’s place on the throne after Edward I’s death.

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