“Hidden Treasures: Amateur Metal Detecting Duo Uncovers 557 Medieval Coins That Could Rewrite History!”

"Hidden Treasures: Amateur Metal Detecting Duo Uncovers 557 Medieval Coins That Could Rewrite History!"

While estimates of the “Hambleden Hoard” have been calculated by expert archaeologists, the value of the coins have yet to be officially determined. Until then, they will remain in a museum and, later on, sold. Profits from the sale of the cache will be split between the group of amateur detectorists who find it and the property owner on which the coins were found.

After reading about the impressive discovery of these rare coins, learn the story of $2.4 million of gold bars that were found in a tank purchased on Ebay. Then read about two male victims of the Black Death holding hands in a shared grave found by archeologists.

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