“Hidden Treasures: Jaw-Dropping Photos of Kate Middleton Revealed – You Won’t Believe Her Transformation!”

"Hidden Treasures: Jaw-Dropping Photos of Kate Middleton Revealed – You Won't Believe Her Transformation!"

  • What did Kate Middleton study at university?

    Kate Middleton studied art history at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

  • Where did Kate Middleton meet Prince William?

    The couple met in 2001 while studying at the University of St. Andrews.

  • In another selfie-style photo, she’s pulling a funny face in a room decorated with a big fan on the wall and patterned curtains.

    Image credits: Time-Concentrate845

    The remaining photos show a twenty-something Kate with her hair loose, having a laugh with her friends inside a car.


    “Imagine looking that beautiful after a drunken night out. My 3 hairs could never,” one fan quipped.

    Someone else wrote: “Kate was for real a party girl back in the day,” while another user remarked that the princess looked “joyous and free.”

    “She has a radiance about her… and she’s absolutely stunning,” a separate user said.

    Others noted the strong resemblance her six-year-old son shares with his mother. “Really see Prince Louis in her.”

    Kate appears silly and carefree in the photos, likely taken during her twenties

    Image credits: Time-Concentrate845

    Meanwhile, other fans mentioned that they can still see her goofy side shining through—despite her formal, protocol-filled life.

    “She is still very animated and kind while talking to ppl if you watch some videos of her. Just that she doesn’t get drunk in public now lol. You just have to follow her on engagements to see her goofy, cool vibes.

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