“Hidden Treasures: What This Man Unearthed in His Elderly Relative’s Attic Will Change Everything You Thought You Knew”

It Was The Right Decision
Of course, the decision by Russel was not an easy one. Taking a relative away from their home and a sense of independence is hard for anyone to do. However, at that point, the man needed to be cared for around the clock and Russel figured this would be the best for everyone.
He especially didn’t want to let him live alone anymore as his memory worsened and his relative didn’t recognize anyone.
The Elderly Man Didn’t Tell Him Much
Russel was able to bring his relative to assisted living and make sure that he was comfortable. When asked what needed to be taken care of, back at the house, his relative didn’t mention anything beyond packing things up and making sure they’re stored safely.
As Russel left the assisted living complex, he remembered that his relative owned a cat. He recalled that it was a Siamese cat named Siam.
Siam Was There
Russel returned to his relative’s house and was able to locate the Siamese cat, Siam, without much trouble. He looked healthy and calm, Russel believed it wouldn’t be difficult to take him from the house to make sure that he’s cared for.
He began trying to coax the cat to come over to him. As he was getting ready to drive home, someone mentioned that his relative might have a second cat, as well.