“Hidden Wonders: Satellite Data Unearths Secrets of a Forgotten Continent Beneath Antarctica!”

"Hidden Wonders: Satellite Data Unearths Secrets of a Forgotten Continent Beneath Antarctica!"

“In East Antarctica, we see an exciting mosaic of geological features that reveal fundamental similarities and differences between the crust beneath Antarctica and other continents it was joined to until 160 million years ago,” Ferraccioli said.

The research team found cratons, pieces of ancient continental plates, a mile beneath Antarctica’s icy surface which also appeared in Australia and India. This proved that East Antarctica was once attached to these two continents. However, West Antarctica did not display any of these cratons due to its thin lithosphere.

The lost continent beneath Antarctica’s surface not only reveals a more detailed picture of what the construction of ancient continents was, but also provides insight into how the geological composition of Antarctica is affecting its icy layers, as well as how those layers will respond due to impending climate change.

Next, read about the long lost continent of Zealandia and see where it currently lies. Then, find out how the fabled lost continent of Lemuria turned out to be real.

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