“How Celebrity Excess Sparks Outrage: Water-Wasting Scandals Erupt Amid LA’s Fire Crisis!”

"How Celebrity Excess Sparks Outrage: Water-Wasting Scandals Erupt Amid LA's Fire Crisis!"

Despite being fined, neighbors have accused her and other celebrities, such as Sylvester Stallone and Kevin Hart, of continuing to use excessive amounts of water. 

“Everyone was told to cut back on water precisely for this situation, to preserve it to fight fires. They carried on watering because they could afford the fines,” a resident told local media.

Netizens are angry after celebrities are accused of breaking water-saving rules to maintain their massive Los Angeles gardens

Image credits: Mike Coppola/Getty Images

“These celebrities have a sense of entitlement,” the angry neighbor explained to the Daily Mail, echoing the sentiments of many who felt the disastrous fires revealed the worst aspects of celebrity and rich people’s culture.

The most wealthy hired expensive private firefighting teams, charging up to $2,000 per hour, to safeguard their properties from the encroaching flames, rubbing salt into the wound.


Image credits: kimkardashian

Chris Dunn, owner of Covered 6, a private firefighting team, explained to the outlet that his phone has been ringing constantly since the tragedy began, with demand reaching unprecedented levels.

A wealthy resident explained his position, stating that most people would do the same if they had the money: “This week’s events have shown you can’t trust the city to protect your property. I have the money, so why not?”

Image credits: Kyle Grillot/Getty Images

The usage of private companies comes as public hydrants are running out of water, with up to 20% of Los Angeles’ water taps going dry.

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