“Inside the Crate: What Officers Discovered Will Haunt Their Dreams!”
In order to remove the pangolin’s scales, you have to kill the pangolin.
So What Are Pangolins?

This is a pangolin with all of its scales intact. Pangolins, which look similar to armadillos, are the most trafficked animal in the world. Because of poaching and smuggling, this creature is seriously endangered. Now you know why it was so terrible that all of those scales were discovered in that shipping crate.
The world just can’t afford to lose 30,000 pangolins. We need to be saving them, not killing them for their scales.
A Stellar Defense Mechanism

Pangolins tend to curl up into little balls when they feel scared or threatened. This makes them all too easy for traffickers to scoop up and sell. You know how most animals have a fight or flight instinct?
Well, pangolins have more of a curl up and don’t move instinct. Their hard scales protect them to some extent, but their scales can’t protect them from people who want to harm them.
The Power of the Scales

So why are their scales so valuable and why are so many of them being smuggled across borders? It may be because of the role they play in traditional Chinese medicine.
Even though there is no scientific evidence to support it, many people in China believe that eating pangolin scales can cure a number of illnesses, like asthma, arthritis, and even cancer. It’s considered a cure-all drug.