“Inside the Crate: What Officers Discovered Will Haunt Their Dreams!”
They Don’t Want To Be Eaten

Some people even believe that eating pangolin meat can have a healing effect, though, in reality, eating pangolins is illegal and anybody who breaks this law can be sentenced to ten years in prison.
The pangolin has been granted protection by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, but this doesn’t stop criminals from rapidly depleting their numbers. Some people would rather earn money illegally than protect a beautiful creature.
Solving The Case

Unfortunately, investigators in the case of these shipping crates didn’t have much to work with when it came to identifying the criminals responsible for murdering close to 30,000 pangolins.
The only information available was the name “XIA × HUA” written on the shipping forms. With no other leads to go off of, the label on their shipping crate was their only hope. They were going to need to work very hard if they were going to get to the bottom of this.
Calling For Backup

The investigators decided that they were going to need more help if they were ever going to solve this case. They decided to call in a team that was dedicated to shutting down smuggling operations. The experts identified the pangolin scales as being African in origin. Using the name on the shipment and this location, they were able to narrow down the list of potential suspects.