“Is the American Dream Dead? Discover 15 Shocking Reasons It’s Slipping Through Our Fingers!”
Moreover, AI technology continues to replace several workers (writers, designers, receptionists, etc.), increasing unemployment and job uncertainty.
5. Escalating House Prices

The dream of homeownership, once within reach for many, now feels like a dream that can never come true. Home prices have skyrocketed to unattainable levels for many young Americans. In the 1960s, the median home price was equal to two years of the median household income. By 2017, that figure had more than doubled, and it continues to escalate in 2024.
6. Retirement Uncertainty

The idea of retiring comfortably is not a thing anymore for many folks. Pensions are rare now, and social security might not be enough. Everyone must save for retirement, which can be challenging when everyday expenses take up most of your paycheck.
7. Climate Change

According to a report, we’re heading towards a 1.5°C temperature rise globally in the next couple of decades. It could worsen natural disasters, mess up food and water supplies, and cause significant problems for nature and the economy.
Not doing anything about it adds more uncertainty to the future, making it even harder for people to achieve the American Dream. People will turn their concerns from a white picket fence to simply having a safe space and a roof over their heads.