“Is the Universe Hiding Secrets? Young Russian Prodigy’s Bold Space Prediction Shakes Scientific Foundations!”
Is This Kid A Martian?

At first, the adults around the fire dismissed Boris’ story as kids’ stuff. They thought Boris was just going to tell them a ghost story or something. What Boris said next made everybody snap to attention.
He told everyone he was from Mars and he’d come to save the world. Now, I know that sounds completely unbelievable, but Boris might just be on to something. Keep reading to find out what he means.
News Of The Indigo Children

Boris said that he had actually lived on Mars in a previous life. He said he was reborn on Earth along with a bunch of other people who called themselves “Indigo Children.” This might give you pause but remember, this kid is a genius.
I know what you’re thinking, sometimes people who are really smart are also really crazy or socially awkward. Well, this isn’t the case with Boris.
A Space Smarty

Boris knew so much about space that he completely baffled experts. He was only a child and he was already talking about the physics of the universe.
This wasn’t the only time Boris talked about being from Mars. He told his story over and over again to various interviewers. But we haven’t heard the whole story yet. Keep reading to find out what he said next while he was sitting by the fire.
Forever Young

According to Boris, Mars residents stop aging when they turn 35. He said that the anti-aging effect is due to carbon dioxide. People who can breathe carbon dioxide don’t experience aging the same way we do.