“Is Your Shower Routine Putting You at Risk? The Shocking Dangers of Phone Use in the Bathroom!”
Let’s be real—how many of us can truly stand to be disconnected, even for a few minutes? Many of us take our phones everywhere, including the bathroom, where we’re often juggling suds and chat groups. You might be worried about missing a vital call or wanting to keep the shower sing-along going strong. But new warnings are emerging that might make you think twice about bringing your tech into such, shall we say, steamy situations. TikTok creator Andi recently stumbled upon something that’s both eye-opening and, frankly, pretty grim about using your phone in the shower. As we dive into the details, prepare yourself to reconsider whether your phone is truly your best friend or just a mold-infested companion. LEARN MORE.
Look, sometimes the stereotypes do get us – plenty of us simply can’t go without our phones.
And that includes taking them into the bathroom with us while we have a shower. Perhaps you’re worried you’ll miss out on an important call, or worse, be left out of the jokes in the group chat. Maybe you just use it to provide the backing music while you give the daily performance of a lifetime while you wash.
But for whatever reason you’re taking your tech in there with you (and I hope not taking it into the actual shower), a grim warning has been issued that might put you off the habit.

A steamy bathroom could be the wrong place for your phone (Getty Stock)
TikTok creator Andi, who goes by ‘your beauty best friend’ shared the pretty gross discovery she made after regularly taking her device into the bathroom.
It led to her making a ‘little PSA’ for those who don’t have a ‘clear phone case’.
“I usually take this phone to the shower, to listen to music while I’m taking a shower,” she explained, showing her iPhone, caseless.
And in a dramatic move, she then picks up its case, showing how grim the inside of it is.

Users encouraged cleaning your device. ((Getty Stock)
Once a shade of light pink, it is absolutely coated with speckles of black mould, shadowed totally in damp. Honestly, it’s actually disgusting.
It might not be something you’ve really considered, but of course keeping your device in the bathroom while the steam from your shower circulates, means it is sitting in the perfect place for mould to grow.
So, like in Andi’s case, full on fungus can grow in the case due to the humidity and lack of ventilation.
While some commenters said it’s a ‘common sense thing’, others suggested it could be more than just having it in the bathroom.
“If y’all aren’t cleaning your phone cases I think you’re nasty AF. Like your phone touches everything and then touches your face of course you should wash it?” one slammed.
But another shared that despite cleaning their phone ‘weekly’ with alcohol wipes: “Oh my god not me discovering the exact same thing 2 days ago and telling my best friend and then him sending me this today?!?? Glad I’m not alone.”
“This just happened to mine too!! Same kind of case,” another wrote as the creator explained it was a rubber case and it seemed ‘the humidity from the shower got inside’.
On Reddit, users echoed the urges to make sure you clean phones ‘more often’.
According to the US Federal Communications Commission, health experts advise cleaning your phone every day using a lint-free cloth slightly dampened with soap and water, taking care to keep moisture away from any openings in the device.