“Lost for Centuries: A Metal Detectorist Unearths a Stunning Golden Roman Lock That Could Rewrite History!”

"Lost for Centuries: A Metal Detectorist Unearths a Stunning Golden Roman Lock That Could Rewrite History!"

The Discovery Of An Ancient Roman Lock In Germany

In 2023, licensed metal detectorist Constantin Fried was surveying a field in Petershagen-Frille when he came across a surprising discovery. Right there, just below the dirt in the field, was a minuscule lock made of gold, one that presumably would have been used to secure a box containing valuables. The artifact’s shape was familiar to him, but the size certainly was not.

“I could hardly believe it myself when I held the find in my hand,” Fried said. “Because such Roman locks are usually much larger and consist of iron or bronze parts.”

Roman Lock Found In Germany

Constantin Fried/LWLThe Roman lock as it was found in Petershagen-Frille, Germany.

Experts from the LWL confirmed this initial assessment, noting similarities between its construction and the manufacture of larger box locks from the Roman era. “The lock was certainly made in the provincial Roman area and can be dated to the 3rd or 4th century AD based on its shape, technical structure and style of decoration,” said LWL cultural director and archaeologist Dr. Barbara Rüschoff-Parzinger.

There are numerous ways in which the small lock could have found its way to Westphalia. LWL Archaeology director Dr. Michael Rind suggested that a local elite or soldier may have brought back a small chest affixed with the lock upon returning from military service. In any case, Rind noted that the find was exceptionally rare.

Constantin Fried

E. de Bourdeaux/LWLLicensed metal detectorist Constantin Fried, the man who made the discovery.

“The golden miniature tin lock is the only one of its kind in Europe and is the northernmost tin lock found in Germany,” he said. “Was it a one-off creation or have similar precious miniatures simply not been found before? We will continue to work on these and other questions.”

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