“Lost in Memory: The Shocking Consequences of Forgetfulness Revealed!”
You end up with a scary-looking winter landscape on your front lawn. Someone’s going to call the police.
Hey, If It Works…

So, this guy’s girlfriend brought refills for her razor forgetting that she didn’t actually have a handle there.
Like a good boyfriend, he created this contraption for her to use, and apparently, it worked.
How Did They Not See This Happening?

I can’t imagine that this didn’t smell awful long before it got to this point.
It seems reckless to work on your computer by candlelight…or to do anything by candlelight these days.
How Cute

How do you forget that you have a face full of makeup, specifically lipstick, and then make a mess like this?
If it’s a good lipstick, they’ll never get that off.
Cats Are Clever

You have to be careful of what you do around cats.
They’re quick learners and will pick up on all the things that will annoy you on a later date.
They’re Still Chicken Nuggets

Repeat after me: do no leave chicken strips in the oven and then fall asleep.
Not only will you end up broken-hearted because your chicken strips are burned, but your house will also smell like burning nugs.