Imagine finding a security tag on your suit right before you go into an interview? There could not be worse timing for that.
How did he not notice when he was putting it on?
We’ve All Been Here
If you haven’t opened a cupboard and found a weird potato alien staring you back in the face, then you’re not living your life to the fullest.
No one needs that many potatoes, yet we all buy then.
That Is A Lot Of Snow
I have a feeling that if there was snow coming, it would have been cold enough that leaving your window open was foolish, to begin with.
How would you even get it all out?
That Is The Look Of A Defeated Man
He learned something about the world this day. Life was going to be just like this cup of noodles with no water.
It’s just a huge disaster and you don’t realize it until it’s too late.
French French French
They put it on there enough times you would have thought they would have remembered to add the French translation.
No one bothers to proofread anything anymore. It’s a real shame.
This Isn’t A Loss For The People Who Ordered This Pizza
They’ll probably get a lot of use out of that baking sheet, I know I would. Maybe they’ll be even more inclined to make pizza at home.
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