“Lost in Memory: The Shocking Consequences of Forgetfulness Revealed!”
It looks so creepy! But, still delicious I’m sure.
They Should Probably Break Up

This guy was so drunk on his all-inclusive vacation that he forgot he had his girlfriend on his shoulders and started making out with this other girl.
They had some serious chats that night.
What An Elaborate Plan

The person who posted this said a Jehovah’s Witness forgot to put their parking brake on when they came knocking and then this happened. This was their plan all along.
You have no choice but to listen to them while they wait for their car to be taken out of your pool.
I Wonder If This Is The Same Person Who Forgot Their Passport?

This seems pretty on-brand for them.
To be fair, in the rush and stress of getting ready to travel, this could have happened to anyone who wasn’t paying close enough attention.
That’s One Way To Make An Impression

This father was reminded, many times, that they were taking their kids to a church function that afternoon.
Guess he forgot the memo and wore this super appropriate but clearly a little inappropriate shirt.
That Is One Angry Pooch

This guy who works at a doggie daycare got this picture from his manager telling him he forgot someone.
The dog looks upset but not surprised. This probably isn’t the first time.