“Lost Souls or Lingering Secrets? Coast Guard Discovers Mysterious Life Signs on Abandoned Island!”

"Lost Souls or Lingering Secrets? Coast Guard Discovers Mysterious Life Signs on Abandoned Island!"

Every island capable of human habitation has already been inhabited. Most deserted islands have no fresh water and little food–just like Anguilla Cay. These survivors were intelligent and more than a little bit lucky.


Their Rescue Made The News



The Coast Guard's rescue mission shows them flying over Anguilla Cay.


Three people surviving for a month on Anguilla Cay was nothing short of a miracle. After thousands of people tracked the rescue mission on Twitter, the story quickly went viral. It was reported on BBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, The Guardian, Newsweek, Huffpost, Washington Post, and more.


In Allert’s words, the trio was “in dire straits due to a lack of freshwater on the island.” 2nd Class Officer Brandon Murray agreed that it was remarkable for the three to have survived.


This Rescue Mission Was Not Easy



The Coast Guard lifts up survivors from Anguilla Cay.


Although the rescue mission sounds easy on paper, it was not so. Sean Connett, the command duty officer of Coast Guard Seventh District, explained that the mission was complex and prone to failure.


“This was a very complex operation involving asset and crews from different units,” he said. “But thanks to good communication and coordination between command centers and pilots, we were able to safely get everyone to a medical facility before the situation could worsen.”


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