“Lost Treasures Beneath the Waves: What Secrets Lurk in Turkey’s Enigmatic Ancient Lake?”

"Lost Treasures Beneath the Waves: What Secrets Lurk in Turkey's Enigmatic Ancient Lake?"

She continued, “It’s been a long, hard, exciting, and secret journey which has cost sweat and tears, and now it’s all culminated with a nice exhibition for children and adults.” She couldn’t believe that comedian/journalist/author Anders Lund Madsen stopped by to check it out.


Wondering If She Should Have Kept Herself Anonymous



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Refsgaard’s findings have gotten her a lot of attention, and like most people who are thrust into the spotlight, she wonders if the people who want to be friends with her are there for the right reasons. On Facebook she went so far as to question whether she should have included her name in the findings at all.


Translated from Dutch, she posted, “Everybody wants a piece of the cake. That’s what it’s like to be stupid, naive, and gullible. Well you get smarter. In the future, I’m 100% anonymous about my findings. You know even in the heart what you found.”


She’s Proud to Be Danish



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The people of Denmark don’t make major headlines as often as they’d probably like. With a population of 5.77 million, there are fewer people in Denmark than in New York City. So when news of Refsgaard’s gold discovery started making its rounds, she was not only proud of herself but proud to represent her country.


She posted, “I have carried a big secret since May 2016 and it is with pride and humility that I finally, finally can put a well-deserved sentence for it and present it to the Danish people.”

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