“Lost Treasures Beneath the Waves: What Secrets Lurk in Turkey’s Enigmatic Ancient Lake?”

"Lost Treasures Beneath the Waves: What Secrets Lurk in Turkey's Enigmatic Ancient Lake?"

She Has A Following of Fans



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A lot of people admire Refsgaard’s work and positive attitude. She’s made friends on Facebook who enjoy following her exhibits and her life. Many leave positive comments on her posts like “You do well and find exciting important things that would otherwise be saved and forgotten for our story.”


And, “Can I come with once? I’m totally ready to find some gold.” She always takes the time to respond to comments and answer questions.


She Gets People Excited About Archaeology



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Some people have a genuine interest in archaeology, but the general population doesn’t think much about it. It’s rare that important pieces of history are discovered, and many archaeologists even go decades without ever finding anything extraordinary.


Refsgaard has been able to get people excited about what’s buried below. People follow along as she explains the significance of findings. It’s clear that Refsgaard is passionate about her hobby and she’s inspired many people because of it.


She Considers Herself Lucky



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When Refsgaard’s followers get excited about the prospect of finding gold and want to know if she’s found anything lately, she’s quick to keep them in check and explain that it’s extremely rare and special to make a finding as she did in Hjarnø.


She told one follower, “It doesn’t hang like that on the trees. Many have gone 30-40 years and never found ancient gold.” She’s also shared, “Imagine once you’ve been so lucky to be able to contribute with this to Denmark’s story. More findings to follow…”

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