“Master of Mischief: How One Clever Roommate Turned the Tables on a Sneaky Food Thief!”

"Master of Mischief: How One Clever Roommate Turned the Tables on a Sneaky Food Thief!"

For those who can handle it, there is also a thrill associated with trying hotter and hotter peppers. Some researchers believe that the idea of “surviving” the spiciness is actually a major draw. Plus there are bragging rights, as its people even compete to handle the worst chilis out there.

Food theft is a major problem

Image credits: Getty Images (not the actual photo)

However, as this story demonstrates, some folks can’t handle the heat at all. While in this day and age, not being able to handle black pepper is rare, there are still folks who are just over sensitive. While the roommate in this story is clearly the villain, let’s also take a moment to consider just how hard it is to live if you can’t handle the slightest bit of spice. No pepper, no chili, no paprika.


It’s also hard to avoid if you ever eat out, unless the restaurant is downright terrible. The vast majority of dishes use, at minimum, salt and pepper for seasoning. This also begs the question, if Amy can’t even handle black pepper, how is she stealing this woman’s food and ordering takeout all the time?

Setting aside the chilis “hidden” in the carbonara, this is a dish that will often have a healthy dose of black pepper. So we might have to assume that Amy does have more of a tolerance than this woman will admit. However, it’s entirely possible to be fine with black pepper and still get overwhelmed with real hot peppers.

At the end of the day, this is still a pretty surefire way to make sure her food isn’t stolen again, although at the cost of now having an entirely hostile roommate. There is little to no chance there will be any legal action, unless Amy is willing to lose a lot of money, but it’s also worth considering the risks of antagonizing a person already willing to steal and who has the disposable income for takeout.

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