“Meet the 50 Most Dramatic Cats: Their Whiskers Aren’t the Only Things That Stole the Show!”
Let’s not forget their love for the night. Cats are nocturnal ninjas, equipped with special features that make them masters of the dark. Their reflective eyes, known as the tapetum lucidum, enhance their night vision, allowing them to see in light levels six times lower than what a human needs. This is especially useful for spotting prey at dusk or dawn when many of their prey species are active.
My Vampiric Void Forgot He Just Ate And Is Now Convinced That Hunger Is The Only Thing He’s Ever Known
Pierogi Was Excited About Her First Walkie Of The Summer
It Was Very Important That She Tell Me About The Birds She Saw
Ever wonder why your cat always finds the sunniest spot in the room? Turns out, their love for warmth has roots in their desert ancestry. Cats evolved from wildcats that lived in hot, dry climates, so they’re naturally drawn to warm environments. Their thermoregulation system helps them maintain body temperature by seeking out sunspots, and they tend to rest in these areas to conserve energy.
Whenever I Get Home From The Gym, Boimler Immediately Makes A Beeline For My Dirty Workout Clothes, Nestles In, And Starts Yelling At Me
Momo Got A Surprise When We Caught Her Sleeping In Our Daughters Cot
A Yell Of Someone Who Climb There And Cannot Go Down By Herself Hahaha
And get this—cats can communicate in frequencies we can’t even hear. That meow? Just a fraction of their full vocal range. Cats can also produce ultrasonic sounds that are inaudible to humans but useful for communication with each other and hunting.