“Meet the Robots Ready to Revolutionize Our World – Are We Prepared for Their Rise?”
In fact, she’s been given citizenship by Saudi Arabia which hilariously led to the discussion about whether shutting her down was actually considered murder. She can display more than 50 facial expressions and has participated in some very high profile interviews.
You’ll be happy to know that robots like these cost $100 million to build, which means they probably won’t be taking over the world anytime soon. Once you enter the heart of this mech suit designed in South Korea, you can navigate any terrain, wave its arms like a puppet on a string, and crush almost anything in your path.
You won’t be seeing this thing on the streets anytime soon (hopefully) because it’s stored in a South Korea test facility.
These bionic ants are one of the coolest things you’re going to see all day. They don’t require remote controls and they respond to stimuli and wordlessly communicate with other BionicAnts nearby to complete similar complex tasks that real ants do.
It begs the question as to whether or not you would rather be infested by real ants or these ginormous robotic ants that somehow communicate with each other to build nests around your house.
The BigDog is the size of a mule and is a military bot built by Boston Dynamics. It can carry about 100 pounds on its back and cross terrains that its wheeled counterparts couldn’t even begin to think about attempting.
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