“Meet the Robots Ready to Revolutionize Our World – Are We Prepared for Their Rise?”
It’s a remote-controlled device that can be deployed into combat to rescue an injured soldier, defuse a bomb without risking any lives, or even fire machine guns that are attached to its arm.
PETMAN (Protection Ensemble Test Mannequin), is a Boston Dynamics design which is a bipedal device constructed for testing chemical protection suits. It’s the first anthropomorphic robot that moves dynamically like a real person.
It’s able to walk, run, crawl and to top it all off, sweat. Yes, robots are sweating now. The android soldier has one purpose and one purpose only; test dangerous equipment and carry out rescue missions in war zones.
Robugtix T8X
This is probably one of the only robots that you’re going to want your kids to own. It’s created to act and mimic a spider. It crawls around on 8 legs and requires a remote control to operate it.
While you’re probably not going to want your kids to be playing with a robot that sweats or one that looks like an eel, a remote control spider that has all the sense of a real spider seems appropriate enough.
This entry will probably have the least amount of impact on the world, but come on, a robot that folds your clothing for you is revolutionary. We already enjoy the fruits of a washing machine and a dryer, but now there’s a FoldiMate to fold your clothing for you.
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