“Meet the Unsung Hero: How One Man’s Extraordinary Gift of Blood Became a Lifeline for 2.4 Million Babies”

"Meet the Unsung Hero: How One Man's Extraordinary Gift of Blood Became a Lifeline for 2.4 Million Babies"
James Harrison Blood Donations

dpa picture alliance/Alamy Stock PhotoJames Harrison holds the documents related to his first blood donations.

“He was…very proud to have saved so many lives, without any cost or pain,” Harrison’s daughter, Tracey Mellowship, who also received her father’s anti-D when she was pregnant, told the Red Cross, according to the BBC. “It made him happy to hear about the many families like ours, who existed because of his kindness.”

Today, labs across Australia are working to take James Harrison’s and other donors’ blood cells to recreate anti-D antibodies in the lab. Some scientists have fittingly named these lab-made antibodies “James in a Jar” in honor of James Harrison, the man who made it all possible.

After reading about James Harrison, dive into 33 feel-good stories from history that will help restore your faith in humanity. Then, read about Henrietta Lacks, the woman whose cells aided in cancer research and led to the development of important vaccines.

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