“Meet the Woman Who Took a Stand Against Inefficient Healthcare: Her Viral Medical Binder Sparks a National Conversation!”
Jessica took to TikTok to share her approach, and her videos quickly went viral. Read on to discover how her system works and why it’s made such a difference in her journey.
After dealing with dismissive doctors one too many times, disability and human rights activist Jessica Wetz came up with a solution
Image credits: Image by Freepik (not the actual photo)
She put together a medical binder for her appointments, and it has made her life so much easier
Image credits: jessicawetz6
“Medical binders make things faster for doctors, that’s why we use them and why they thank me for them. Let me explain how it works.
I had a doctor say to me, ‘There’s no way you had straightening of lumbar curvature at 14.’
You don’t have to believe me, I have the report right here. Let’s read it together.”
Image credits: jessicawetz6
“I had a doctor say to me, ‘Okay, Jessica, I’m gonna order you some labs and then in six weeks, we’ll go over them.’
I go, ‘What blood work do you want?’
He goes, ‘Vitamin D, vitamin B, iron.’
‘Perfect, I had it 2 days ago. I have it right in front of me. We don’t need to wait 6 weeks.’
He’s like, ‘Oh, that was easy.’”
Image credits: jessicawetz6
“I had a doctor say to me, ‘Okay, Jessica, I went over your results, everything is normal, have a good day, bye.’
‘Hold up, doc, my CT showed liver disease.’
He goes, ‘No, Jessica, you never had a CT, you had an MRI.’
I go, ‘No, doc, pull it up, you have the report, I’ve had both.’