“Meet the Woman Who Took a Stand Against Inefficient Healthcare: Her Viral Medical Binder Sparks a National Conversation!”
‘No, Jessica, let me explain to you the difference.’
‘Nope, I have it right in front of me, you can read it yourself. See? July 2023, CT of the abdomen. Dilated bile ducts, primary sclerosing cholangitis. Follow-up MRCP recommended.’
‘Oh, ok, yeah, I’ll order that.’”
Image credits: jessicawetz6
“And you saying a summary page is funny, because I do have a summary page that lists all my diagnosis and [stuff].
And one time, a doctor, I said I have Ehlers Danlos, he goes, ‘You have Ehlers Danlos? Like, a doctor diagnosed you with that?’
I go, ‘Yup.’
He goes, ‘What’s the doctor’s name?’
‘You don’t have to believe me, dude, I literally have the report right here. There you go.’”
Image credits: jessicawetz6
“So a summary report doesn’t do s**t, the purpose of the binder is to prove to them what other doctors have said because they’re not gonna take my word for it.
I had a doctor say to me, ‘Okay, Jess, we’re gonna order you an ultrasound.’
‘I already had an ultrasound a week ago.’
‘Yeah, we know, but we’ve called that hospital multiple times and they won’t send the report over.’
‘Guess what, I have it right here. No need to wait a month and waste somebody else missing out on an ultrasound, I already did the work for you.’”
Image credits: jessicawetz6
“So now you know, when you see a patient with a binder, they’re not there to read it to you front to back.
If I’m trying to talk to you about my knee pain, I’m not reading you my colonoscopy report. That’s not relevant.