“Mid-Flight Horror: Toddler Locked in Airplane Toilet as Strangers Claim ‘Education’ Justification”
“A persistently screaming baby on a plane is a nightmare for the other passengers and particularly for the parents, who will be at their wits’ end trying to stop it,” wrote another.
Some users explained that the issue might be inevitable, as pressure changes during take-off can be particularly painful for toddlers’ eardrums, causing confusion and triggering a crying episode.
Doctors advise parents to pay special attention to children’s ears during take-off, as the changes in pressure can cause them pain, especially if they are suffering from a cold or infection
Image credits: Cameron Casey
A 2007 pediatrics study in the National Library of Medicine (NIH) explains that while flying does not damage a baby’s ears, it usually causes temporary pain and discomfort. However, changes in pressure can cause serious issues if the toddler is affected by an ear infection, in which case it’s recommended to delay the flight and visit a doctor beforehand.
The paper explains that a topical nasal decongestant can be used before boarding as directed by a physician. Swallowing and sucking are also effective strategies to minimize discomfort during takeoff and landing.
Other recommendations include taking into consideration the presence of cardiopulmonary diseases that may require oxygen during flight and keeping children well secured on their seats to avoid accidents during turbulence.
Travel experts also recommend remaining calm at all times, as babies are prone to picking up on their parents’ moods, especially in unfamiliar environments.