“Mind-Boggling Roadside Revelations: Discover the Unbelievable Sightings That Left Drivers in Disbelief!”

"Mind-Boggling Roadside Revelations: Discover the Unbelievable Sightings That Left Drivers in Disbelief!"

It’s a shame that we evaluate people based on their jobs instead of who they are outside of it. This trooper didn’t even have enough time to get undressed before he had to pick up his little kid. I hope this changes the way that you think about Star Wars the next time you watch it.


This Is Only Mildly Concerning




You’re driving on the highway minding your own business and you see a dog driving a car, what do you do? If you were to picture a dog driving a car, you would probably envision some frantic panting or breathing at least, but not this pup. It looks more relaxed than a NASCAR driver going 60 mph in their minivan.


At this point, everyone should let the dog drive until it proves that it’s unfit for the task. The world would be a better place if dogs could drive themselves around and there’s no one who can willingly disagree with that.


This Is Informed Driving



focus us


There used to be a big crackdown on drinking and driving, but that’s slowly given way to distracted driving which causes more accidents per year on average. Most people are caught up in their phone, but this guy is throwing it old school and actually reading a novel.


Is anyone else even surprised they still make novels? This must’ve been published a few years ago because I’m convinced that they don’t exist anymore. It would take quite the multi-tasking ability to be able to read and digest the information while you’re driving. This is something to behold.

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