“Mind-Boggling Roadside Revelations: Discover the Unbelievable Sightings That Left Drivers in Disbelief!”

There are only a few things that could’ve happened in that car to make it explode like that. The first thing it could be actually doesn’t have anything to do with the driver and has everything to do with the passenger.
It’s basic science that if the passenger plays more than five good songs in a row the car explodes because it’s so lit. The other thing that could’ve happened is that someone in the vehicle decided to eat Mexican food and the digestion process just started to take place and it didn’t end up going well, for anyone.
Stack It Up And Let’s Go, Bro

There’s the phrase “in it for the long haul” but that’s not what this guy is about. He’s in it for a big haul, but with that truck, they aren’t getting very far. Just looking at this photo almost makes your back heart, thinking about how that truck’s suspension must feel with all of that extra weight.
If you’re wanting to keep your car in shape, it’d be wise to stay very, very far away from this driver on the road.
The Worst Kind Of People

Yes, I’m well aware that this isn’t technically on the road, but I hope that we can agree that these are the worst kinds of people. There’s absolutely no need to take up more than one spot in a parking lot. I don’t care if you’re driving an Audi, or a 1999 Toyota Rust, stay inside the yellow.