“Mind-Boggling Roadside Revelations: Discover the Unbelievable Sightings That Left Drivers in Disbelief!”

"Mind-Boggling Roadside Revelations: Discover the Unbelievable Sightings That Left Drivers in Disbelief!"

People who feel entitled enough to do this are also the ones who feel like they can merge into whatever lane they want to whenever they want to. I’m not an advocate for keying cars, but this comes pretty darn close to that threshold.


Never Driving Again



star of david


Am I the only one who thinks about imminent death every time they drive? Not to be cynical, but when you’re driving massive slabs of metal inches away from each other going 70 mph you can’t help but think of the consequences of a swerve into the wrong lane.


Not only that but now us paranoid drivers have to deal with the possibility of an iron rod coming flying through the windshield. I thought that dodging big bugs so that they don’t smash onto the front of the car was hard enough but this is a whole other level.


Imma Do Me, You Do You





Have you ever seen a cooler alligator? No seriously, have you? Not only is this gator rocking the most fly sunglasses of all time, but it’s also sitting in the front seat where all the “cool kids” sit.


While everyone else you hang around with is flaunting their cute dogs or cats, this guy has an enforcer for a pet. If you think that anyone is going to cut this guy off knowing that he has an alligator in the front seat you’re thoroughly mistaken. This guy’s pet eats other pets as a snack.


“That Friend”





We all have this friend, let’s be honest. They’re the ones who think that they’re the best driver to ever grace this world when, in fact, everyone is terrified to be a passenger. They’re careless and distracted all the time. They’re more focused on playing a good song than they are staying in the lines.

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