“Mind-Boggling Roadside Revelations: Discover the Unbelievable Sightings That Left Drivers in Disbelief!”
Be Your Own Person

This driver has decided that they’re sick of the road rules and the traffic. It’s hard to blame them because being in stand-still traffic is a test on every emotional bone in your body. Wouldn’t you like to turn around and head back the other way when you’re bumper to bumper? Yeah, me too.
We can all live and learn from this wolf in sheep’s clothing by doing what we want to do without anyone telling us we can’t, even if it’s illegal. This is the Robin Hood of big city drivers.
But… But… Why?

As drivers, we should be trying to avoid distractions by all means necessary. There’s a reason we have hands-free calling in cars now and can verbally tell our phone what it needs to text to the person who messaged you.
But, there are just some distractions that technology can’t fix. There are some external factors, like when people have a whole family of Gremlins in their back window, that Apple or Microsoft can’t troubleshoot for us. This might be an unpopular opinion, but this person is more distacting to drive behind than someone who has their phone in their hand.